4th Asia Pacific International Conference
on Positive Behavior Support

Welcome message

It is my great honor to host the 4th Asia Pacific International PBS Conference here in Japan. Due to the global pandemic situation over the past few years, most conferences have switched to an online format. It is about time we started to miss face-to-face communication. We would like to welcome you to the PBS community from Japan and abroad so that we can have face-to-face discussions for the first time in several years and have a lively exchange of research, practice, and experience of PBS. For those who are unable to attend in person for various reasons, we will also be offering video recording archives. I appreciate this great opportunity to learn, think, and talk together about how the practice of PBS is disseminated in different languages, cultures, and regions of the Asia-Pacific and other countries, and how it is contributing to improving our quality of life. I also expect to discuss what issues we can work together to address in the future. We hope you will fully enjoy this two-day event and your time in Japan.

Conference Committee Chair
Kanako Otsui, Ph.D. (Kindai University)



Keynote speakers

□ Dr. Joseph Lucyshyn
Family Centered Positive Behaviour Support with Japanese Parents of Children with Autism: Promising Outcomes and Lessons Learned

□ Dr. Kent McIntosh
What does it take to sustain effective practices in schools?


Practice and Cultural Adaptation of PBS in Different Countries and Regions

Panel discussion

PBS Dissemination Strategies in Different Countries and Regions

Poster session

・Guideline for Presenters

Conference Site Map


November 11, 2023
9:30 Registration
10:00-10:20 Opening ceremony
10:30-12:30 Keynote speech Dr. Kent McIntosh
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:00 Poster session
15:00-17:00 Panel discussion
17:30-19:00 Reception(reservation needed)

November 12, 2023
9:30 Registration
10:00-12:00 Keynote speech Dr. Joseph Lucyshyn
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-15:00 Symposium
15:10-15:30 Closing Remarks

Registration fees

In Person

General (early bird; on or before September 15, 2023) USD 100

General (regular; after September 16, 2023) USD 150

Student (early bird; on or before September 15, 2023) USD 50

Student (regular; after September 16, 2023) USD 80

On Demand Viewing

general/student USD 40

・All program contents except poster session will be provided and available to watch between November 20 and December 4,2023

Hotel Information

Since there are limited lodging facilities near the Kindai University Higashi Osaka Campus, the conference site, we will provide information on several hotels in the area with good access to the nearest station (Yaenosato Station) to the venue. Please note that the conference organizer will not be able to arrange accommodation for you, so please make your arrangements directly with a hotel or through a hotel reservation website.
[Hotel information around the conference-site]


  • All payments must be made through the conference website and be completed by October 19, 2023.
  • On demand program contents will be included in person registration fees
  • Registration fees do not include meals during the conference.
  • We may change this event to online format only when either the Japanese government or the public organization (prefectural or city government) declares a state of emergency. In this case, there will be no change in registration fees.
  • Any request of cancellation or refund will not be accepted.
  • In order to meet the various needs of our participants, we will do our best to accommodate accessibility. If you have any requests for accessibility, please indicate them in the registration form. This may take some time, so please complete your registration by July 31, 2023 if you wish. Please note that this service is only available for registrations made by the individual who will be attending the conference. Please be reminded that we may not always be able to fulfill your request.

Call for papers

Keynote Speeches, Symposium, and Panel Discussions are by invitation only. Only the poster session application is open to all participants.

  • Only one poster presentation application per person may be submitted. However, this limitation does not apply to presentations as a co-presenter.
  • All the information required for the presentation application must be entered in English.
  • In principle, presentations will be given in English.
  • The following points will be reviewed by the conference committee members based on the information provided in the presentation application. The committee members may contact you to confirm or revise the content of your presentation.

Items to be checked during the review process
1) Whether the contents are in accordance with the PBS.
2) Whether the contents of the presentation are clearly described (objectives, subjects, methods, and results, etc).
3) Whether there are any ethical issues related to the content of the presentation.

Important dates for poster presentation entry

Entry for poster presentation : starts early May, 2023

Deadline for entry of poster presentations : July 30, 2023

Notification of acceptance : Late August, 2023

School visit tour

We are planning to offer a school visit tour to those who are interested in exploring the Japanese public school system. Unfortunately, the number of schools where we can make arrangements is limited. Therefore, participants might be chosen by lottery depending on the number of people who signed up for this tour. The confirmation of the tour will be announced by early August. You need to sign up for the tour by July 30, 2023. The tour is an optional program that will be held on November 10, 2023. No additional fee will be required for this tour.

Schedule of the tour (tentative, could be changed depending on the school you visit)
9:30 meet at the nearest station or the meeting site we arranged
10:00-11:30 observe classrooms at school
11:30-12:30 ask questions to school teachers
12:30 end of school tour

Conference reception


Restaurant the Lounge on the campus of Kindai University


40 USD

Light meal and beverages including alcoholic ones will be included.

Open in May

Information for Networking!

APBS-J membership (https://pbsjapan.com/)

Opportunities to become a member of networks in the Asia Pacific region

APBS membership (https://www.apbs.org/membership)

Hosted by :

Supported by :
The Association for Positive Behavior Support
The Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis
The Board of Education in Tokushima
